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General Black Jack Pershing Apush

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The Reason General John Pershing Was Called 'Black Jack' February is Black History Month in the United States. September 13, 1860 - July 15, 1948 (Age: 87) Officer in the United States Army that led forces in World War I. He was the only person promoted to the highest rank ever held in the U.S.

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General black jack pershing apush 1

(Woodrow) Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson's domestic policy that promoted antitrust modification, tariff revision, and reform in banking and currency matters.

Bull Moose Party

Nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912

New Nationalism

Roosevelt's progressive political policy that favored heavy government intervention in order to assure social justice

(Herbert) Croly

Political theorist that argued that the government should use its regulatory and taxation powers to promote the welfare of its citizens.

Election of 1912

Presidential campaign involving Taft, T. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, enabling Wilson to win

Triple Wall of Privilege

The banks, trusts, and tariffs that Wilson pledged to topple were collectively known as this

Underwood Tariff

Pushed through Congress by Woodrow Wilson, this 1913 tariff reduced average tariff duties by almost 15% and established a graduated income tax

16th Amendment

Amendment that legalized the income tax

Pujo Committee

A committee formed to decide the fate of the Philippine Islands after the Spanish-American War.

Federal Reserve Act (1913)

This act created a central banking system, consisting of twelve regional banks governed by the Federal Reserve Board. It was an attempt to provide the United States with a sound yet flexible currency. The Board it created still plays a vital role in the American economy today.

Federal Trade Commission (1914)

Established to preserve competition by preventing unfair business practices and investigate complaints against companies.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)

Lengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act's list of practices. Exempted labor unions from being called trusts, legalized strikes and peaceful picketing by labor union members.

Federal Farm Loan Act (1916)

Congressional measure making credit available to farmers at low rates of interest

Jones Act (1916)

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The act that granted the Phillipines territorial status and promised independence as soon as stable government was achieved


From 1915 to 1934, the U.S occupied this country in an attempt to protect U.S interests there.

Moral Diplomacy

President Wilson's policy of condemning imperialism, spreading democracy, and promoting peace internationally.

(Victoriano) Huerta

He was a Mexican military officer and President of Mexico who was also leader of the violent revolution that took place in 1913.

Pancho Villa

Mexican revolutionary who killed many Americans in Mexico. The United States sent John J Pershing to capture him but never did.

ABC Powers

The South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, which attempted to mediate a dispute between Mexico and the United States in 1914.

General John (Black Jack) Pershing

Wilson ordered him and an expeditionary force of about 15,000 soldiers into Mexico to capture Francisco 'Pancho' Villa dead or alive

World War I

Also known as the 'Great War', this war broke out in Europe over the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, this was the first war in which 'total war' was waged, and sucked the reluctant United States into it in 1917.

Central Powers

World War I alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers

World War I alliance that included Britain, France, Russia, and later the United States and Italy. They opposed the Central Powers.

(American) Neutrality

This policy was pursued early in World War I. Under it, the American economy flourished and grew because of its trade with belligerents. The United States refused to take sides in the Great War.


German submarines used in World War I; they sank many Allied ships around the British Isles. They were responsible for the sinking of the HMS Lusitania and the Sussex.

HMS Lusitania

This British liner was sunk in 1915, by German U-Boats, causing Wilson to issue a stern warning to the Germans, telling them not to attack unarmed vessels 'without warning'.

Sussex Pledge (1916)

A torpedo from a German submarine hit a french passenger liner, called the Sussex in march 1916. Wilson demanded the Germans refrain from attacking passenger ships. In this statement, Germany said they would temporarily stop these attacks but might have to resume in the future if the British continued to blockade German ports.

Election of 1916

In this election, main concern of voters was whether or not the United States would become involved in World War I. Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Hughes and President Woodrow Wilson ran against each other. Wilson won by an extremely shallow margin, running the campaign slogan 'He Kept Us Out Of War'

'He Kept Us Out Of War'

Campaign slogan in 1916 for Woodrow Wilson; ironically, he contradicted it two weeks after taking office again.

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General black jack pershing philippines

The installation of the Venustiano Carranza regime in Mexico City did not result in lasting tranquility with the United States. Events became so chaotic that the State Department issued a warning to U.S. citizens living in Mexico to leave the country. Thousands took the advice. One of Carranza's allies, Francisco 'Pancho' Villa, turned against the new president, claiming with some justification that Carranza was not making good on his reform pledges. Villa himself was a rascal, an enormous self-promoter and an occasional champion of the underprivileged. Villa was initially engaged in a struggle on behalf of the government against rival forces. He became the darling of Hollywood filmmakers and U.S. newspapermen by granting open access to his campaigns. Some claimed that he actually staged battles for the cameras and publicity.


Villa's horizons broadened considerably when he began to seek control of the Mexican government for himself. His method was to weaken Carranza by provoking problems with the United States. On January 10, 1916, his forces attacked a group of American mining engineers at Santa Ysabel, killing 18. The Americans had been invited into the area by Carranza for the purpose of reviving a number of abandoned mines.

Pancho Villa's men struck next on March 9, by crossing the border to attack Columbus, New Mexico, the home of a small garrison. The town was burned and 17 Americans were killed in the raid. War fever broke out across the United States. Senator Henry F. Ashurst of Arizona suggested that 'more grape shot and less grape juice' was needed, a none-too-subtle indictment of the teetotaling secretary of state William Jennings Bryan.


General Black Jack Pershing Apush Dbq

President Wilson abandoned 'watchful waiting' and appointed General John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing to head a punitive force of 12,000 soldiers to locate Villa — dead or alive. Carranza was not enthusiastic about the incursion of an American army onto Mexican soil, and became even less so the farther south the soldiers marched. Despite several close calls, Villa always managed to escape the larger and better-equipped invaders. An exasperated Pershing cabled Washington: 'Villa is everywhere, but Villa is nowhere.'

The chase lasted nine months and finally ended in February 1917, when Wilson summoned the soldiers home in anticipation of imminent hostilities with Germany.

General black jack pershing apush 1

(Woodrow) Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson's domestic policy that promoted antitrust modification, tariff revision, and reform in banking and currency matters.

Bull Moose Party

Nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912

New Nationalism

Roosevelt's progressive political policy that favored heavy government intervention in order to assure social justice

(Herbert) Croly

Political theorist that argued that the government should use its regulatory and taxation powers to promote the welfare of its citizens.

Election of 1912

Presidential campaign involving Taft, T. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, enabling Wilson to win

Triple Wall of Privilege

The banks, trusts, and tariffs that Wilson pledged to topple were collectively known as this

Underwood Tariff

Pushed through Congress by Woodrow Wilson, this 1913 tariff reduced average tariff duties by almost 15% and established a graduated income tax

16th Amendment

Amendment that legalized the income tax

Pujo Committee

A committee formed to decide the fate of the Philippine Islands after the Spanish-American War.

Federal Reserve Act (1913)

This act created a central banking system, consisting of twelve regional banks governed by the Federal Reserve Board. It was an attempt to provide the United States with a sound yet flexible currency. The Board it created still plays a vital role in the American economy today.

Federal Trade Commission (1914)

Established to preserve competition by preventing unfair business practices and investigate complaints against companies.

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)

Lengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act's list of practices. Exempted labor unions from being called trusts, legalized strikes and peaceful picketing by labor union members.

Federal Farm Loan Act (1916)

Congressional measure making credit available to farmers at low rates of interest

Jones Act (1916)

The act that granted the Phillipines territorial status and promised independence as soon as stable government was achieved


From 1915 to 1934, the U.S occupied this country in an attempt to protect U.S interests there.

Moral Diplomacy

President Wilson's policy of condemning imperialism, spreading democracy, and promoting peace internationally.

(Victoriano) Huerta

He was a Mexican military officer and President of Mexico who was also leader of the violent revolution that took place in 1913.

Pancho Villa

Mexican revolutionary who killed many Americans in Mexico. The United States sent John J Pershing to capture him but never did.

ABC Powers

The South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, which attempted to mediate a dispute between Mexico and the United States in 1914.

General John (Black Jack) Pershing

Wilson ordered him and an expeditionary force of about 15,000 soldiers into Mexico to capture Francisco 'Pancho' Villa dead or alive

World War I

Also known as the 'Great War', this war broke out in Europe over the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, this was the first war in which 'total war' was waged, and sucked the reluctant United States into it in 1917.

Central Powers

World War I alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers

World War I alliance that included Britain, France, Russia, and later the United States and Italy. They opposed the Central Powers.

(American) Neutrality

This policy was pursued early in World War I. Under it, the American economy flourished and grew because of its trade with belligerents. The United States refused to take sides in the Great War.


German submarines used in World War I; they sank many Allied ships around the British Isles. They were responsible for the sinking of the HMS Lusitania and the Sussex.

HMS Lusitania

This British liner was sunk in 1915, by German U-Boats, causing Wilson to issue a stern warning to the Germans, telling them not to attack unarmed vessels 'without warning'.

Sussex Pledge (1916)

A torpedo from a German submarine hit a french passenger liner, called the Sussex in march 1916. Wilson demanded the Germans refrain from attacking passenger ships. In this statement, Germany said they would temporarily stop these attacks but might have to resume in the future if the British continued to blockade German ports.

Election of 1916

In this election, main concern of voters was whether or not the United States would become involved in World War I. Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Hughes and President Woodrow Wilson ran against each other. Wilson won by an extremely shallow margin, running the campaign slogan 'He Kept Us Out Of War'

'He Kept Us Out Of War'

Campaign slogan in 1916 for Woodrow Wilson; ironically, he contradicted it two weeks after taking office again.

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The installation of the Venustiano Carranza regime in Mexico City did not result in lasting tranquility with the United States. Events became so chaotic that the State Department issued a warning to U.S. citizens living in Mexico to leave the country. Thousands took the advice. One of Carranza's allies, Francisco 'Pancho' Villa, turned against the new president, claiming with some justification that Carranza was not making good on his reform pledges. Villa himself was a rascal, an enormous self-promoter and an occasional champion of the underprivileged. Villa was initially engaged in a struggle on behalf of the government against rival forces. He became the darling of Hollywood filmmakers and U.S. newspapermen by granting open access to his campaigns. Some claimed that he actually staged battles for the cameras and publicity.

Villa's horizons broadened considerably when he began to seek control of the Mexican government for himself. His method was to weaken Carranza by provoking problems with the United States. On January 10, 1916, his forces attacked a group of American mining engineers at Santa Ysabel, killing 18. The Americans had been invited into the area by Carranza for the purpose of reviving a number of abandoned mines.

Pancho Villa's men struck next on March 9, by crossing the border to attack Columbus, New Mexico, the home of a small garrison. The town was burned and 17 Americans were killed in the raid. War fever broke out across the United States. Senator Henry F. Ashurst of Arizona suggested that 'more grape shot and less grape juice' was needed, a none-too-subtle indictment of the teetotaling secretary of state William Jennings Bryan.

General Black Jack Pershing Apush Dbq

President Wilson abandoned 'watchful waiting' and appointed General John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing to head a punitive force of 12,000 soldiers to locate Villa — dead or alive. Carranza was not enthusiastic about the incursion of an American army onto Mexican soil, and became even less so the farther south the soldiers marched. Despite several close calls, Villa always managed to escape the larger and better-equipped invaders. An exasperated Pershing cabled Washington: 'Villa is everywhere, but Villa is nowhere.'

The chase lasted nine months and finally ended in February 1917, when Wilson summoned the soldiers home in anticipation of imminent hostilities with Germany.

General Black Jack Pershing Apush 2

A new Mexican constitution had been adopted in January 1917. The document sharply reduced the powers of The Roman Catholic Church and foreigners, which reflected popular disgust with those two elements of oppression. Carranza was formally elected president by a democratic vote and was recognized by the United States. Pancho Villa was a popular hero in many quarters in Mexico, but had also made many enemies over the years. He was ambushed and killed several years later, probably at the instigation of then president Obregon.

General Black Jack Pershing Apush Ii

See General John J. Pershing. To other Wilson foreign affairs activities.

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